Monday, January 10, 2011

Flotsam! Mayhem! Chaos!

Do you know what happens when you decide to do a major kitchen remodel?  Well, something like this....

and this...

and this...

I know, it kind of makes you want to do this...

Even my poor dog doesn't know what to think of it all.  Right now we have food, dishes and pots and pans in every single room of our home.  Where ever we could find room.  And I have gained a good 10 pounds from all the fast food we have eaten in the past week.  Although we did have a very good home-cooked meal at my mom's tonight.  Oh, how I miss my stove and microwave.  

If you are curious on what our kitchen looks like now, here are some pictures.

We are hoping in about two weeks time, we will be moving into our new kitchen. (Keeping our fingers crossed). Right now it feels like forever. We cannot wait!  Stay tuned for more developments in the next few days.

Until next time....


  1. How exciting!! Not all the chaos, but the end result will be well worth it!! Good luck with everything, I hope it comes together the way you envision it and in the timeframe you want!! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  2. All that mess and upheaval would get on my nerves, too. I hope you are thrilled with the result - can't wait to see pictures of the finished result!

  3. Oy, sounds stressful I bet it'll all be worth it, though!
