Saturday, March 13, 2010


(Placing left hand on Bible and raising my right hand.)  I hereby solemnly swear to never, ever, ever put wallpaper or border up in another room in my house, as long as I shall live, so help me God.

Now that my dad is out of the hospital and on the mend (Thank you, Lord!:-)), I have spent the last couple of days stripping the border in my son's room that has been up since he was three years old.  He's now 13.  I thought it was high time to change his room.  And since we have been up to our eyeballs in home improvements for the last few weeks, I thought now is the time to do it.  Of course I did not know that we would have a family health crisis among other things.  But by the grace of God, we have made it through.  But the one thing that is challenging my faith is stripping this border in my son's room.  Oy!

I stripped the wallpaper in my half bath and that was a piece of cake compare to this bleeping border.  This border is coming off in coin size pieces.  I have sore neck and shoulder muscles and patience that has grown very thin.  But I'm halfway done and have about another four hours to go until I'm finished.
Then I will be ready for a week at a swanky spa.  But since that will not happen, I guess that BioFreeze and ibuprofen will have to do.

So those of you thinking about wallpapering your rooms in your house, all I can say is "Good Luck!".  In the meantime, I'm looking up the name of a good massage therapist.


  1. Thank you for posting on my blog. I am not to far behind you 42yrs old for my. So ya it could be that. Oh fun.

  2. I'm really tempted to paint over the wallpaper in my boys room. The top layer of wallpaper is getting torn off, but there is a layer under that! I don't know who thought that was a brilliant idea! I don't know if the bottom layer will even come off.

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!
