Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lions, Tigers and Wolverines, Oh My!

In the fall of 2011, the planets were in perfect alignment.  And snow flakes were flying in H.E. Double Hockey Sticks.  Or maybe it is due to good old-fashioned hard work and tenacity.  In any case the Detroit Lions are 4-0, Tigers are playing in the American League playoffs, and the Wolverines after playing a couple of disappointing seasons, are 5-0.

After watching Michigan stomp beat Minnesota in Saturdays game and the Lions narrowly defeating Dallas on Sunday, we have been biting our nails watching the Tigers against the Yankees the last couple of nights.  Quite a weekend and start to the week. I haven't heard so much yelling directed at the television since, well, since I don't know when.

We are really loving Michigan's new coach.  When it was announced that Brady Hoke would be the Wolverine's new coach, we were excited.  From what hubby knew about him, he thought he would be a good match.  And so far he is proven right.

After going for decades going, "Lions? What Lions?", it is exciting to see them finally getting their groove back.  When I was in Florida, a nice cashier I met in one of the stores was upset that his beloved Atlanta Falcons would not be televised due to not selling out the game.  I told him I was from Detroit and welcome to my world. :-/  It is so refreshing to finally see some wins.

And now the Tigers are in the playoffs. I love my Boys of Summer (especially Inge and Verlander). :-) I have many fond memories of going to the corner of Michigan and Trumbull as a girl and seeing the Tigers play every summer.  I looked so forward to getting a mini-bat and having a stadium hot dog.  I loved watching Al Kaline and Mark "The Bird" Fidrych play and hearing Ernie Harwell's voice on the transistor radios held to everyone's ear. (Okay, I'm really showing my age now. :-P).

At any rate, this has been a fun ride these past few weeks rooting for our home teams.  Speaking of rooting for teams, I need to go to root for those Tigers.

Thanks for looking in!


  1. I see your family gets as excited about your sports as we do about a new zombie movie coming out, lol.
    We are not sports fans, but I do enjoy a live game :)

  2. oh my--i may have to stop following your blog-- i went to notre dame so big irish fan here and my hubbie went to ohio state law school--so NO ONE in our family likes BLUE! hehehehehehehhe
